4 ways on how you can help a depressed person

Sometimes you no longer crave the food or prefer to talk about topics others do. Those strings get cut off one by one and before you know it, everything and everyone around you can seem foreign. And sometimes, no one will ever know you feel this way if you are highly functional. A person with depression needs one major thing that is, Support.
Major depressive disorder isolates people from the rest of the world in subtle ways. Here are a few ways to help your loved ones with anxiety.

Understand that it's an illness:
Everyone here makes a mistake in today’s world. Do not equate general sadness with anxiety and tell the person to "get over it." Note that it is a disease and that the person is not ready to get over it. A depressed brain may trigger feelings of depression and negative thinking. It's not the person's fault. Some online research can help in gaining a better understanding of their condition. You're halfway through when you realize that their condition isn't who they are. Ordering prescriptions online can help the person to have privacy as compared to the local drugstore.

Keep a check on the guy:
Most people are lacking the will to open up to people in fear of being hurt. If someone is considering suicide, silence might quickly escalate into death. Keeping mum and acting like a person who does not go through depression is foolish. Often check-in on the guy. Tell them about guidance and treatment and try to help them with anything. Help them to reach a doctor that will help them to get through the scenario. Doctors might recommend having medications like Trintellix. Trintellix helps people who are facing depression.  Perhaps, remind them once a week or once a month they're not alone and you're concerned about them. A friendly "How are you?" might go a long way.

Related article: How to distinguish Depression from Sadness

Don't shout, just listen:
Just listen to them when you check them out and question them for their feelings. Do not teach that "life is unfair" and expect them to be "strong and courageous." Some say that the person is weak and cautious. Friends also agree that they stop whining about the circumstances that can sometimes impact the adult. It only pushes them off. You have nothing to say at all. Only listen to what they're doing and be alert to their talks.

Help them to accomplish things:
It can be hard for a depressed person to do any job. It's a shower, a regular dinner, or a business meeting. The argument is, while some might be able to pull it off, some might fail with just one pass. Help them to do it as easily as possible. If the person cannot afford brand-name drugs he can talk to his doctor and ask for the generic version of the prescription drugs. Some might take years, while others might take a lifetime. There are also some that recur from time to time after recovery. To support somebody for a day, won't make a big change. Be patient and support them in their fight as long as it takes.

NOTE: This sheet is a summary. It may not cover all possible information. If you have questions about this medicine, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or health care provider. 

DISCLAIMER: This content is provided for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients should always consult their physicians with any questions regarding a medical condition and to obtain medical advice and treatment.


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